Tips for Getting Your Property Ready for Spring

Springtime is a time of new beginnings. Leaves sprout on formerly dormant trees. Flowers pop up out of the ground. Birds can be heard chirping among the trees and bushes in your neighborhood. After a dark and cold winter, Spring brings with it warmer weather, sunshine, and new life. If you’re like most people, you… Read more »

How to Get Your Property Ready For Spring

Springtime is a time of new beginnings. Leaves sprout on formerly dormant trees. Flowers pop up out of the ground. Birds can be heard chirping among the trees and bushes in your neighborhood. After a dark and cold winter, Spring brings with it warmer weather, sunshine, and new life. If you’re like most people, you… Read more »

How Long Do Trees Usually Live For?

Where would we be without trees? They add value to our homes and neighborhoods, they break the cold New Jersey winter winds to help lower our heating costs, and they provide food and shelter for wildlife. Most trees will outlive us; indeed, some trees have been alive on this planet in their spots for hundreds… Read more »

Why Do Trees Fall Over During Severe Storms?

When there are big storms, there is always a lot of wreckage. Houses can be torn apart, cars moved and sometimes thrown from their original location, and trees fall onto properties. When Hurricane Sandy came through, it knocked over 8,497 trees in New York City alone. However, a storm isn’t always required for a tree… Read more »

Don’t Let Tree Stumps Become an Unnecessary Issue

 If you plan on having a tree removed from your yard, you may be wondering whether or not it is really necessary to get rid of the sump. While it may seem like no big deal, we’re here to tell you why there are actually quite a few reasons you should have tree stumps removed…. Read more »

The Evolution of Tree Stump Removal Equipment

Tree stump removal equipment has come a long way. Back in the 1800s, trees were chopped down by hand using double-bit and grub axes. Pioneers sweated their way westward, chopping down trees from Ohio to California as America grew and new areas were settled. In the old days, trees were generally cut in the winter… Read more »

Checklist for Fall Landscaping

Tree care and maintenance on property

Before winter, there are some fall landscaping tasks you or a professional can do to prepare your yard for the cold season and next spring. Fall landscaping typically involves raking tree leaves onto a plastic tarp and then making a mulch pile and/or disposing of the leaves in the garbage if that’s possible where you… Read more »

Don’t Get Stuck with Stump Issues – Remove It Today!

Regardless of the reason, when you decide to cut down a tree in your yard you face the question of whether or not to remove its stump. Now you might think that you don’t need to because you don’t see it affecting your yard in any way. However that is not case at all and… Read more »

What Types of Bugs Are Attracted to Your Tree Stumps?

If you have dead trees or tree stumps in your yard or on your lawn, there is a big chance that there may be bugs inhabiting that area. These bugs may not be the bugs you want all over your stumps or even on your lawn; they could do damage to the appearance of your… Read more »

When Is It Necessary to Remove a Tree From Your Property?

For some people, trees, bushes, and other shrubbery are not only part of their lawn, but a part of their house. Certain types of trees can grow for decades and not show any changes, and other trees can sprout up to be over a hundred feet tall! A common factor between all types of trees,… Read more »

Can Governments Tell You to Remove a Tree From Your Property?

Many trees have been here long before us and will remain long after we’re gone. Indeed, trees are an important part of any community as they help give a place history, beauty, and shade from the sun. When you have a tree on your property that you think needs removing, are there any rules against… Read more »

How Landscaping Can Be Good For The Environment

While most people know trees are good to have around for many reasons, not every property has trees– or decent landscaping. These days, however, the world is moving toward landscaping that’s good for the environment whereas nature and beauty come together in a way that doesn’t deplete resources but, instead, enhances them. “Beneficial landscaping” is… Read more »

Why You Should Prune Your Trees

Just like a person gets a haircut, a tree can get one too, though in this case it’s called “pruning.” A popular horticultural practice, pruning involves altering a tree’s form and growth so it looks and functions the way a person wants it to. So, here’s the question: “Why prune a tree?” Pruning offers many… Read more »

When to Plant a Tree After a Stump has Been Removed [Video]

If you’ve recently had a tree removed, chances are your yard’s looking a little more bare than usual. While there was likely good reason for the tree to come down, there’s no doubt that it left you wanting to spruce up your landscaping immediately! Before doing so, there are some things you’ll want to consider… Read more »

The Dangers of High Wind

“They Call The Wind Maria” was a popular song in the 1950s from a Broadway musical, and the way Maria was pronounced was “Mariah,” as in “Mariah Carey,” the singer who got her name from that song. Now one thing about Mariah Carey is this: she’s got a set of lungs/pipes on her– when she… Read more »

Look Out Below: Why Branches Fall

We always see those commercials on television, or comedic skits in movies where a branch will fall from a tree and usually land on someone’s car beneath it. We just assume that the branch broke on its own with no rhyme or reason behind it, but there are actually two things that cause tree branches… Read more »

After You Remove a Tree, Consider Replacing It

The world needs more trees. No matter where you live, whether it’s New Jersey or New Delhi, deforestation affects us all. In a world where we use an awful lot of paper, which comes from trees, know this: each one of uses an average of 65 cubic feet of wood every year, which equals about… Read more »

5 Reasons to Remove a Tree Stump From Your Yard

Did you decide that it was finally time to remove a tree from your property, only to realize that a certain part of the tree was left behind? We’re talking about the tree stump of course, which often remains in homeowner’s yards even after the rest of the tree has been cut and removed. Some… Read more »

Is It Time To Remove My Tree?

Whether you just weathered a nasty storm, your tree has become “ill” or your trees are simply older than dirt, tree removal is sometimes the only way to ensure your safety and the health of your tree. Generally a big decision to make, there are some questions you’ll want to ask yourself before cutting anything… Read more »

Major Storm Hits Northern New Jersey

Did you ever think you would see a day where a snowstorm brought things to a halt in New York City, aka the city that never sleeps? Of course, New York City is not the only area that the Blizzard of 2015 has impacted. In fact, our area has also been hit hard by the… Read more »

Big Foot Tree Service Provides 24-Hour Winter Storm Damage Cleanup

While most trees are tough, winter storm damage can happen because the weather can get so nasty. Have you noticed how windy it has been lately? Don’t forget freezing rain and the ice and snow all messing with your yard’s trees. Winter weather is intense. How do you know if a tree in your yard… Read more »

Preparing For A Winter Storm

No one likes to talk about winter storms and the havoc they wreak on home and business owners. Nevertheless, preparedness is the most important factor in surviving the bitter, cold and snowy days ahead as we trudge on through the winter months. You don’t have to wait until you’re in the midst of a polar… Read more »

Tips for Preparing for a Winter Storm

Winter storms bring with them snow, sleet and ice, as well as freezing cold temperatures and often brutal winds. If you hear that a winter storm is headed your way, there are several things to do in order to prepare for the event. First, check your vehicle to make sure you have things like a… Read more »

Why Do Tree Limbs Fall? Could One of Yours Be Next?

Usually, the reasons why tree limbs fall are painfully obvious. High winds, rain, and snow are usually the final ingredient for disaster. Falling limbs are no joke either. They can cause significant damage to property, injury, or even death. In most cases, weather alone can’t bring down a healthy tree limb. So why are some… Read more »

What to Do if You Have a Diseased Tree

If you think a tree on your property has a disease, you may need to tend to it in order to help save it. Using bypass and/or lopping shears and a pruning saw, you can cut off diseased branches at a 45 degree downward angle, and then burn them or throw them away. To help… Read more »

Information about Root Barriers

Above ground, you see what’s going on in your yard, but there’s also a whole host of activity underground, from bugs to animals, and plumbing pipes to tree roots. The average person doesn’t think of “root barriers,” but these are important parts of what goes underneath the soil in your yard. A root barrier is… Read more »

Why Do Some Trees and Limbs Fall After a Storm?

Lately it seems like New Jersey has been battered with ferociously intense storms. When the wind whips through towns at speeds that would make Dorothy end up in Oz, you know that it’s almost inevitable some trees and limbs are going to fall down on to the ground. Why do some trees and limbs fall… Read more »

When is the Perfect Time to Prune Trees and Shrubs?

In New Jersey, summer is ending and the fall weather will be upon us quicker than you think. Big Foot Tree Service wants your property to be in the best shape, so everything looks great for the next year. And you might want to get all your landscaping needs done early so you can hibernate… Read more »

Factors that Affect Tree Removal Costs

If you think about it, many trees were here before you and many will still be standing long after you’re gone. However, sometimes trees need to be cut down, for a myriad of reasons. There is a cost to cut down trees, because cutting down trees is hard work and requires specific knowledge, expertise and… Read more »

Will Homeowner’s Insurance Protect Against Fallen Tree Limbs?

Eventually in life either you or someone you know will have to deal with an issue that’s not an everyday one, but when it does happen, it can be quite a pain. What do you do when a tree limb falls down off a tree and smashes into something or someone that’s on your property… Read more »

Legal Issues in Regards to Cutting Down Trees

While we think we “own” the land, remember that it was here long before us, and will be here long after we’re gone. Trees typically live a very long time, and depending on where you live, there may be legal issues regarding how “your” trees can be treated, cut and/or removed. Some tree work requires… Read more »

When Do Trees Sprout Their Buds?

Something amazing and glorious happens each spring: trees sprout their buds. In New Jersey, winters can be long, cold, and grey. Thank goodness for evergreen trees adding some color to winter. As you know, trees drop their leaves in the fall and sprout their buds in the spring. How do trees know when to do… Read more »

Remembering the Value of Trees

Trees enhance lives in so many ways, from their beauty to the shade they provide. Can you imagine a world without them? Back in the 1970s, Dave and Grace Deppner were volunteers in the Philippines, where illegal loggers were cutting down trees and making a mess of the land. Unlike illegal loggers, professional tree removal… Read more »

Do Tree Stumps Grow?

It’s that time of year, again, when people are starting to get outside and look over their yards, doing spring clean-up and more. As the weather warms up, the grass gets greener, flowers spring up out of the ground, and colorful leaves begin to fill up the trees in New Jersey. And then there are… Read more »

How Cabling and Bracing Can Save a Tree

Often times, homeowners will find that, for whatever reason, trees on their property will start to lean in one direction.  Not only will the leaning tree look awkward to homeowners and passers-by, but it’s also important to note that it could fall at any minute, possibly harming someone or something in the process.  Most likely,… Read more »

Let Big Foot Tree Service Help You Clean Up Your Property after a Relentless Winter

What a long, cold winter it has been! In New Jersey, it seems like it has been below freezing for months and months and months. Spring can’t come quickly enough. Soon the weather will warm up, and it’ll be time to get outside and inspect your yard to see how it weathered the harsh winter…. Read more »

Can Tree Stumps Cause a Termite Problem?

You do not want pesky termites eating away at parts of your house, let alone even taking residence in your yard. If termites find a place in your yard to take up residence, once they finish their collective meals and need a new place to gnaw on, you know where they’re headed? Right for your… Read more »

Remember to Plant a New Tree After Having One Removed

Winters in New Jersey can be harsh, with snow, ice and wind sometimes damaging trees around your yard. Big Foot Tree Service can remove damaged trees and plant new ones in their place. Trees make a property more visually attractive, and they’re good for the environment. In fact, you may want to consider planting some… Read more »

How Tree Damage Occurs During Storms

Damage to trees can cause serious problems in an area. When a tree falls due to breakage or damage, it can destroy a house, block roadways, and be potentially unsafe to those who live and are walking and driving in the area. Storms are a major culprit when it comes to falling branches and trees…. Read more »

Why You Should Remove a Tree Stump

We live in a society where we’re constantly bombarded with ads offering products to make our skin look blemish free. After all, no one really wants a giant pimple on their nose, right? Tree stumps are like pimples on your property. Yes, they can be there and it’s not the end of the world, but… Read more »

Warning Signs You Need To Cut Down a Tree

Even if you only have one tree on your property, you should always check to see if there are any dangers with allowing it to remain upright. Perhaps it is near a set of power lines, or where you park your cars, or even close to the residence.  Even scarier, it could be near the… Read more »

Many advantages to trimming trees

When you decide to trim a tree, you’re not only benefiting your yard, but the tree itself. Trees that hang over your yard, pool, power lines or house can pose a threat to be much costly if left alone. All it takes is one wind storm to have couple hundred pound branch fall into your… Read more »


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