How Landscaping Can Be Good For The Environment

While most people know trees are good to have around for many reasons, not every property has trees– or decent landscaping. These days, however, the world is moving toward landscaping that’s good for the environment whereas nature and beauty come together in a way that doesn’t deplete resources but, instead, enhances them.

“Beneficial landscaping” is a trend that is worth investigating. It’s where existing natural areas are left alone to flourish naturally, while areas to be developed use regionally appropriate native plants (rather than exotics imported from other regions). In addition, rather than large lawns of grass, beneficial landscaping reduces the use of turf, replacing it with woodland, meadow, or other natural plantings– and this reduces both the use of pesticides and the need for constant mowing since grass has been replaced with other stuff.

You can also use deciduous trees planted appropriately along the south sides of buildings to reduce summer air conditioning costs by up to 20%. During the winter these trees allow the sun’s rays to warm buildings. Meanwhile, coniferous trees (evergreens) planted to block prevailing NW winter winds can help reduce home heating costs. Finally, trees planted to shade paved areas reduce the summer heat-island effect.

Big Foot Tree Service is a tree cutting service in Northern New Jersey that serves residential properties throughout the area. Known for removing dead trees and stumps, Big Foot Tree Service’s workers are experts on the subject of trees. Should you have any questions, call Big Foot Tree Service at 973-885-8000.