Signs Your Tree has Expired

Dying TreesHow do you know if your tree is dead? One way to check is to scratch the bark on the shoots of your tree using your thumbnail or a knife. Stems with green under the bark are still alive, while those with brown under the bark are dead. Other telltale signs of dead trees can include flaking, peeling or wizened bark.

When a tree is planted, its first few years help determine whether or not it will grow up healthy. Sometimes a tree’s roots fail to establish themselves in the surrounding soil. If there’s too much rain/snow, they can become waterlogged, and if there’s not enough precipitation, drought can kill them prematurely. Other factors that determine the health of a tree in a particular spot include the soil texture, pH level of the soil, and the degree of sun or shade it gets. Animals such as rabbits, deer and rodents can wreak havoc with trees, especially when they’re young and unguarded.

Did you know extreme weather can damage or kill a tree? Wind, sun and cold can simply overwhelm various plants, including trees. While most can handle extreme changes in temperature, others cannot.

Finally, things like fungi, root rot, and/or bacterial cankers can lead to the death of a tree. Just like people, trees can get specific diseases or disorders that negatively affect them. They may become weak or unsightly, and, in some cases, die a sad death.

Properly watering and mulching trees can help them live healthy lives. However, even when trying our best, sometimes trees just don’t make it, for whatever reason.

If you have dead trees on your property you’ll probably want to have them removed. Call Big Foot Tree Service of Wayne, New Jersey, at 973-885-8000 to make an appointment to have workers come to your yard and professionally remove dead, dying, or diseased trees.